
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Scratch (2001)

Synopsis: It’s basically 92 minutes of casually-dressed young men scratching records, producing mostly atonal music and patting themselves on the back. 
Blurb From the VHS Jacket: “SCRATCH is an exhilarating film that explores the world of the hip-hop DJ.” 
What Did I Learn?: If you find the remains of a mummified bat buried under your collection of thousands of records, and your basement has taken on a gaseous odour from all of that vinyl, it might be time to do a little decluttering… just sayin’. 
You Might Like This Movie If: You want to learn more about scratching.
Really?: 1) Damn…take a drink any time a DJ reveals he was heavily influenced by Herbie Hancock’s Rockit. 2) I hate to say this, as I consider myself to be a rap fan, but much (not all, but much) of the “music” these guys produce on this film sounds like a lot of chaotic, random noise.  
Rating: I was hoping to like Scratch a bit more than I did. While the film manages to interview a number of famous and influential DJs (I have to wonder, though, why neither Jam Master Jay nor DJ Jazzy Jeff were included) it doesn’t provide much analysis or information, so Scratch more-or-less fails as a documentary. Scratch is certainly watchable, but it’s also breezy and somewhat forgettable. 6/10 stars.

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