Halloween Movie #1
Synopsis: It’s
basically 104 minutes of Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Cloris Leachman and Terri
Garr screaming at each other in black and white.
Blurb From the DVD Jacket:
“Mel Brooks’ monstrously crazy tribute to Mary Shelley’s classic pokes
hilarious fun at just about every Frankenstein movie ever made.”
What Did I Learn?:
Hearts and kidneys are tinker toys compared with the central nervous system.
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Movie If: You watch anything that features Peter "Raymond's Dad" Boyle.
Really?: I
realize this is a Mel Brooks comedy, and that judging it on its overall credibility
would be a fool’s errand, but still.... 1) When does this movie take place?
Wouldn’t Transylvania be ruled either by Nazi Germany, or a Soviet-imposed
Communist government? This is never made clear. 2) Come to think of it, how
long has the castle been deserted, and how much time has passed since the previous
Dr. Frankenstein (Fronkensteen’s great-grandfather) did his experiments? Why was
he only recently informed? 3) So, Fronkensteen leaves behind his career and his
fiancé and travels across the world to...live in his great-grandfather’s
castle? What?!? I imagine he would take that trip for the sole reason of
selling the old dump, but this is never once mentioned. 4) Funny how the film
takes place in Transylvania (basically modern-day Romania), and yet everyone
speaks English, and all of the signage is in English, too.
Rating: Mel
Brooks’ Young Frankenstein is widely
considered to be a classic, and I really, really wanted to like this film, but I
couldn’t. YF actually starts out fairly well, and it has a few funny moments
(Wilder’s Fronkensteen, and Terri Garr’s Inga discovering the bookcase secret
passage, for instance), but most of the humour is loud, crude and extremely
obvious. Moreover, the movie really starts to drag by the end, and I couldn’t
take all of the incessant shouting. I cannot recommend this movie. 4.5/10
Would It Work For a
Bad Movie Night?: Maybe – take a drink every time somebody becomes unnecessarily loud.