
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Four Rooms (1995)


Synopsis: Obsequious bellboy encounters four different sets of completely unlikeable loons on the last night of the year. 

Blurb From the DVD jacket: “Comedy, Confusion and Chaos… Compliments of the House!”

What Did I Learn?: 1) Everybody starts out as strangers. It’s where we end up that counts 2)  "The less a man makes declarative statements, the less apt he is to look foolish in retrospect.” 3) A person’s life is filled with a zillion little experiences. 4) Every other champagne aside from Cristal is “piss.” 

You Might Like This Movie If: you really want to maximize space efficiency in four rooms

Really?: 1) So, wait - it’s New Year’s Eve, and Sam is the only employee on duty at the hotel? That doesn’t sound right. 2) It’s funny how Sam suddenly transforms from a Jerry Lewis/Stan Laurel-type of loveable dimwit into a screaming tyrant who puts Vicks Vape-o-Rub on the eyelids of small children in the third sketch. Film critic Roger Ebert really liked this sketch, but it doesn’t comport with our previous understanding of the character, and it makes Sam completely unlikeable, in my opinion. 3) Um….wouldn’t the hotel be crawling with detectives, police officers and possibly reporters after the discovery of the dead hooker in the third sketch? 

Rating: Comprised of four separate sketches, all featuring Tim Roth as a suffering hotel employee, Four Rooms had the potential to be an outstanding slapstick farce. Unfortunately, none of the four scripts were all that good, and two sketches are simply terrible. Roth does his best with the material, but the final product is a loud, unfunny mess. I cannot recommend this movie. 4/10 stars.

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